
WhatsApp Online Vulnerability that Allows you be tracked.

WhatsApp messenger has been in the spotlight for its security loopholes lately. The latest vulnerability allows any interested person to track your WhatsApp online activity. A person can use third-party apps to track your online activity. They are therefore able to know all the times you were online.

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WhatsApp has various features that you are allowed to turn off like the last seen and read receipts which is a good security measure. These bring in a sense of control as stalkers cannot know when you were last online or if you read their messages. However, the fact that the online feature cannot be changed remains a vulnerability for many users.

In these third-party Apps, you put a number and the App shows all the periods that phone has been online. More effort should be put on how third-party applications access WhatsApp data. In the meantime, we hope a solution comes our way soon.

Apart from the vulnerability of being online, WhatsApp has an issue of locking users out. Any person with your number is capable of getting you suspended. All they do is register it multiple times and then get you suspended.

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