What Does the Future Hold for Telehealth After the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has been around since last year and has caused a shift in many things. It has brought in many changes and affected people and the government physically, socially, politically, and economically. Another thing it has done to test our health systems and response rates towards a pandemic in this era. One positive thing we are witnessing is an increase and adoption of digital health and in particular telehealth. The healthcare industry has witnessed a decade worth of growth in digital health.  It had to cope with the increasing demand by people to access treatment and attend appointments from home (telehealth). It is exciting to talk about how Telehealth After the COVID-19 Pandemic has passed.

Coverage of Telehealth

In many countries, Telehealth has proven to be sustainable and effective in preventing and treating COVID-19. By bridging the gap between patients and health care workers through virtual visits, the need for physical visits reduced. Therefore, this reduced the transmission of the virus. Meeting virtually increases the effectiveness of social distancing and helps medical facilities manage the risk of disease progression. In addition, it also helps in mitigating wait times. This in turn provides protection for medical staff and patients with certain underlying conditions by limiting their exposure to COVID-19 by a considerable amount.

The recent adoption and widespread shows that telehealth is here to stay, not for coronavirus but for all the other health conditions. It is now more convenient than ever for people living in rural areas to access health services remotely. The services have become more affordable and also freed more time spent moving to and from appointments. By implementing telehealth services, healthcare providers are actively working towards reducing the health disparities afflicting patients with limited access to proper care, in addition to promoting patient engagement, patient and health worker education, and overall increase inefficiency.

What do you think Telehealth After the COVID-19 Pandemic will look like?

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