
The Rise of Smart Inhalers! Why you should Replace Traditional Inhalers.

One emerging technology Smart Inhalers is becoming one of the greatest opportunities for clinical pharmacy engagement and Digital Health. New startup companies leading the race include FindAir and Sonohaler.

Traditional inhalers have for quite some time been the pillar of treatment for patients with constant respiratory infections. Their capacity to convey medicine (i.e. bronchodilators and corticosteroids) significantly reduces systemic adverse effects. It has been well established, making them a compelling and ideal treatment choice.

However, medical services experts actually face a few difficulties related to overseeing respiratory infections, for example, asthma and constant obstructive aspiratory sickness.

Nonetheless, Smart inhalers can possibly address the difficulties faced by patients and medical services experts in the administration of respiratory sicknesses. Smart Inhalers are designed with digital features designed to connect with mobile applications to work simultaneously to monitor medication schedules and subsequent dosing.

A Smart inhaler is equipped with the ability to monitor adherence, accurately record the time, date, and location of each dosage administered, send dosage reminders, and provide access to readily shareable data via Bluetooth devices.


FAQ – About Smart Inhaler.

How to use a smart Inhaler.

The smart Inhaler technology is not rocket science to use, it uses the same concept as your traditional inhalers. The only difference is you have to attach a dedicated data picker (In this case FindAir) to your original inhaler and download its compatible application to keep in sync and receive notifications when you forget your inhaler.

What are the Benefits of Smart Inhalers?

  • Receive notifications when you forget your inhaler.
  • Reduce the number of unexpected asthma attacks.
  • Monitor your symptoms.
  • Get to know what triggers your asthma. Through your collected data from the smart inhaler, it will let you know what to give attention to.

Do you ever forget your inhaler at home, car, or office? Smart Inhalers are always in sync with your smartphone. They will always give your instant notifications if you leave your inhaler at a distance. And of late smart Inhalers are distributed in many parts of the world and their prices can range from (59 – 89 EUR).

Read this article to understand how Blood Oxygen monitors work.

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