real and fake COVIDEX

NDA Approves The Use of COVIDEX- Watch out for the fake one.

NDA has finally approved the use of COVIDEX to manage and provide relief against COVID-19 and other viral infections but you have to watch out for the fake COVIDEX. Another type of the medicine has entered the market and it looks directly like the original but with a slight difference. According to Prof. Ogwang, the packaging may change but always look out for the Logo. Look out for broken seals too, broken seals mean someone already tampered with the medicine. Fake COVIDEX is likely to be on market already to con unsuspecting buyers.

With the second lockdown upon us and cases all over the country, COVIDEX might be the answer to many Ugandans. Many people cannot afford to pay millions of Uganda shillings to secure admission to get treated against COVID-19 and this cheap alternative is the answer.

COVIDEX should cost you UGX 12000, a maximum market price set by the makers. This was shared in the recent press conference by Jena Herbals and Rochet Health Uganda.

COVIDEX has been on the market for some time but MOH and NDA and some hospitals discouraged people from using it even though it proved to be effective. Many people have testified the effectiveness of COVIDEX on multiple occasions. David Nahamya, the NDA Executive director confirmed the approval at the Uganda Media Centre Tuesday morning but stressed that the herb doesn’t cure COVID but acts a supplement.

The drug is made by Mbarara University scientists led by Prof Patrick Ogwang. Prof Ogwang is the proprietor of Jena Herbals Uganda Ltd. Each of the small 20mls bottle is currently selling between Shs20,000 and Shs 50,000, depending on where you buy it from . Watch out for the fake COVIDEX when you go to purchase. It may come at a cheaper price but not give the results you want.


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