Stingy men association Uganda SMAU

Lessons Learnt As a SMAU Uganda Member.

Joining the Stingy Men’s Association of Uganda SMAU and becoming a member doesn’t mean you are broke or cannot afford to send money to a girl. Rather it means that you are simply not willing to spend money fwaaa. You are in control of your money with the main goal of achieving financial success. You will have more money to spend on your family, much more money.

As a SMAU Uganda member, you are accountable to the association and your fellow members. There is therefore no room for breaking the rules. The Association has eyes everywhere and they are always watching. The tweet below shows the first culprits who are to appear before the SMAU Disciplinary Committee.



SMAU stands by this vision.

We are not stingy for no purpose, we just have relatives and family that need our help more. …We gonna fix home before we impress the street.


Click here to attend the first SMAU member association meeting.

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